Easy Water Conservation For All by Go Green Plumbing

Water…so necessary to life, but something a lot of us take for granted.  When we need it, we turn a knob, push a button, or grab a bottle.  But what if you turn that knob, or push that button, and no water appears?  According to the US Government Accountability Office, 40 out of 50 states have at least one region that’s expected to have some kind of water shortage over the next 10 years.P16672369

With this issue looming ahead of us, now is the time to start looking at our water as the precious resource it is.  There are several small things we can change in our daily routine that can save thousands of gallons of water a year.  Below are a few suggestions to get you started on your water conservation path.

Bathrooms are a good starting place. 

  1. If you don’t have aerators on your faucets and shower heads, install them.  Aerators reduce the amount of water that flows through.
  2. Turn the water off while shaving or brushing teeth instead of running continuously.
  3. If replacing a toilet, purchase a low-flow toilet that requires less water to flush.
  4. Keep a bucket or watering can near your shower to catch water while waiting for it to warm up.  Then use the water to flush toilets or water houseplants.
  5. Shorten showers or turn the water off while soaping up or shaving legs for bigger water conservation.
  6.  The shower bucket idea can also be used in the kitchen.  Use a container to catch the colder water while waiting for the hot.  Then use later for cleaning, watering plants, or other food preparation.
  7. If you hand-wash dishes, fill-up your sink with dish water rather than washing under a running faucet.
  8. If replacing your dishwasher or washing machine, look for ones with Energy Star ratings.  And remember not running dishwashers and washing machines until you have full loads can save gallons of water.

Look for even small ways to prevent waste.  Water left in drinking glasses or water bottles?  Use to water house plants.  Keep your eyes and ears open for drippy faucets or leaks, or running toilets, and fix problems quickly.  Take your vehicles to car washes that recycle water.  A big gardener?  Install a rain barrel as the source to water your garden and plants. Keep in mind that energy plants are powered by water, so conserving energy is another way to save on water.

Becoming conscious of the water we are using will help us to look for other ways to conserve on our water usage.  Let’s all pitch in to do what we can to take care of this precious resource we all rely on.

Have more questions? Call us- we’d love to help! Call the professionals at Go Green Plumbing at 336-252-2999 for service 7 days a week/24 hours a day.  If water runs through it – We Do It!


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