Backyard Water Games for Kids

August has arrived with a vengeance. Its heat and humidity are reminders that summer isn’t ready to give up its reign anytime soon. And after two months of free time under their belts, kids are looking for new things to do to keep them entertained. Don’t let the temptation to stay inside all day and watch screens win! Outdoor play is so important for children’s health and development – not to mention your sanity.

In that vain, below are a few outdoor games that revolve around water and will keep them cool and entertained. The one item you’ll need to purchase is water balloons. The more the better, so look for the popular new water balloon product that fills up dozens in 90 seconds or less using an outdoor faucet. You can set the games up for them and let them go – or jump in and join the fun!

Hot potato – Sometimes old standbys are old standbys for a reason. They’re fun!! To add to the excitement, let water balloons be the “hot potato”!

Sponge Bombs – While you’re purchasing those balloons, buy a half dozen or more inexpensive sponges. Proceed home to get the kids to help you cut them up. Then fill up two buckets with water and drop half of them in one bucket and the remaining in the other bucket to absorb as much water as possible. Place the kids on opposing sides, blow the whistle and let the sponge-bomb free-for-all begin!

Parachute – If you have one of the fabric parachutes used by kindergarten and elementary classes to toss balls in the air during recess, go grab it and substitute water balloons instead! If you don’t have a parachute, an old sheet or beach towel can work too!

Water Balloon Baseball – This one is pretty straightforward. Get one of your children’s plastic bats and use water balloons instead of baseballs for batting practice. That will get them practicing their aim!!

Ready to get started?! Go get those water balloons and let the fun begin!


Have more questions? Call us—we’d love to help! Call the professionals at Go Green Plumbing at 336-252-2999 for service 7 days a week/24 hours a day. If water runs through it – We Do It!

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