How to Store Patio Furniture by Go Green Plumbing


Storing Outdoor Furniture During the Winter.

Now that winter is upon us, it is time to tackle all that deck furniture. While you have been able to enjoy it for a few extra months thanks to our mild fall weather, it is time to think about protecting it for the winter. Take time now to clean it before you store it so that it is ready to go in the spring.

First, sort the furniture – metal, fabrics and wood all must be treated differently. Power wash wood and metal furniture to remove any loose debris. Glass should not be pressure washed, but should be cleaned with a mild soapy solution and washed thoroughly. Allow to dry completely, tighten any loose screws, and store in a dry place, or cover with specially made covers to keep dust off. Add mothballs to keep spiders and bugs out.

Wash all fabrics that are washable and allow to air dry. Dry clean only fabrics should be taken to a professional dry cleaner for cleaning. Store all fabrics in a cool dry place. Throw pillows without removable covers can be tumbled in a dryer with fabric softener sheets to freshen, then stored in plastic vacuum seal bags to reduce space and keep moisture and bugs out.

Tune in next week to learn how to winterize your aquatic landscape elements to prevent damage!

Have a plumbing issue and need some help? Call the professionals at Go Green Plumbing at 336-252-2999 for service 7 days a week/24 hours a day. If water runs through it – We Do It!

Go Green Will Be Closed on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Emergency Services Are available for Members Only.