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Planning for a Kitchen Remodel


Once you’ve decided to undertake a kitchen remodel, that’s when the fun begins. It’s time for your dreams to become reality. So do you know what you really want from your new kitchen? And do you know who you want to do the work?

Before talking to a contractor or designer, it’s a good idea to have an idea of what you want or need most from the remodel. Is this purely an aesthetic change that you’re desiring? Or do you need more storage space? Does the configuration work for your family? Or does the kitchen need to be larger? It’s important to answer these high level questions before you get into details like colors, tile preferences and even appliances.

Once you have clarity around these big questions, you’ll need to hire a contractor or a designer. Often times, contractors have a designer that they prefer to work with, and likewise a designer may have a contractor that he or she trust implicitly. So if you know a contractor or a designer that you love, go with the person you know and they can work with you to find the right professional to supplement the team.

Next, let’s be real, it’s just smart to set aside a “Surprise Fund” for unexpected issues during the remodel. If you find mold, or worse, a pipe bursts, that’s going to be extra money out of your pocket. While it’s hard to find extra money for these situations, it’s better to have at least a small rainy-day fund than none at all.

Last but not least, determining the best time of the year for your kitchen remodel can make all the difference in the world in how smoothly and quickly the project will proceed. Do you plan to take a long vacation this summer? Would it be better to take this on during the school year or when the kids are out for summer? Are you expecting a child? Do you know your work is going to be crazy during a certain season? Do you have a deadline because of a special event like the holidays, an anniversary or wedding?

You are the only person who can answer these questions, that’s why it’s good to discuss them with contractor or designer so you can create a timeline that works well for everyone.


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