How to Use Rain Barrels to Keep Landscape Green

Want to keep your lawn green this summer without using so much of that clear, clean water?  Consider a rain barrel.  There are many different types of rain barrels on the market, whether you want to make one on your own with a reclaimed plastic barrel or if you want to purchase a ready to use model.  Rain barrels can collect the rainwater that falls into them, or they can divert water from your gutter system, and hence your rooftop surface.

Rain barrels are usually equipped with a gravity fed spigot that you can attach a hose to in order to use the water.  Other models may have a pump integrated to give you additional water pressure options.

If you choose to make your own, here are the steps you will want to follow.  First, secure a container.  While the container can be made of wood, plastic or metal, consider that it will be exposed to significant amounts of water and sun.  Most are made of plastic since it does not break down in the elements.  Hint:  we like in North Carolina, home to Mount Olive Pickles.   Consider riding over there to get one of their used pickle barrels for your rain barrel.

Next, you will want to drill a hole in the bottom to outfit with a faucet kit to allow you to pull the water out for use in your flower beds or on the lawn.  These kits can be purchased at most home improvement stores.  Second, you’ll want to find a way to fill the barrel.  You can divert your gutter into the barrel, or install a diverter that will allow the barrel to fill, and any water beyond the fill will divert back to the gutter system.  These are also available at most home improvement stores.

Have a plumbing issue and need some help?  Call the professionals at Go Green Plumbing at 336-252-2999 for service 7 days a week/24 hours a day.  If water runs through it – We Do It!


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