New Year, New You by Go Green Plumbing

Tips for New Year Organization

Looking for a way to tackle the stuff that collects in that one place in your house? It may be the kitchen, the laundry room , your office or the garage, but we all have that one place that catches everything. Here are some tips to help you make sense of it, a little bit at a time.

First, take stock of the stash. What is in there? Is it mail? The children’s school papers? Bills that need to be paid? Newspapers that need to be recycled or articles to clip out of magazines? Whatever it is, you will need to start by sorting it into manageable piles. Sort like things together and make a pile for stuff that just needs to be thrown away or recycled.

Stuff accumulates when there is no clear place for it to go. So many of our junk piles are just things that we don’t quite know what to do with. Make a pact to only handle new items once. Either throw it away, or place it in its rightful place – like a file folder for recipes to keep, or in a box for bills to be paid. If there is not rightful place, make one.

Purchase inexpensive plastic tubs that hold hanging files to sort bills, recipes, articles and coupons.   Purchase plastic bins to hold recyclables until you can get them to the curb or items that need a permanent home (and commit to cleaning it out once a week).

Have a plumbing issue and need some help? Call the professionals at Go Green Plumbing at 336-252-2999 for service 7 days a week/24 hours a day. If water runs through it – We Do It!

Go Green Will Be Closed on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Emergency Services Are available for Members Only.