Winterize Water Features by Go Green Plumbing


Winterizing Water Features in the Landscape

Water features come in many shapes and sizes from in ground koi ponds to small bird baths.  For the purpose of this blog post, we will focus on the smaller water features that are not permanent (that is, in the ground). For large, permanent water features or those with fish please consultant a professional with experience winterizing aquatic features.  For smaller features follow these tips to save you hassle, headaches and cash in the spring.

To start, remove any plants that you may have in the water feature including lilies, grasses and other ornamental plantings.  If you have small ornamental objects in the fountain like small river rock or statuary, remove and clean them thoroughly before storing.

Drain any water from the feature and remove the pump. Clean any algae off the pump before storing and ensure that all parts are in good working order.  Place drained pump in a dry, warm place for the winter (a garage or basement should be adequate).  If possible, upturn water basin so that rainwater does not collect.  This is not as important now, but if you wait to set up your features in the spring you don’t want to provide a place for mosquitos to thrive.  To keep the feature clean, and to prevent hairline cracks caused by freezing water, cover with a tarp and secure with bungee cords.

Have a plumbing issue and need some help?  Call the professionals at Go Green Plumbing at 336-252-2999 for service 7 days a week/24 hours a day.  If water runs through it – We Do It!

Go Green Will Be Closed on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Emergency Services Are available for Members Only.